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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Call Conference the AT and T Way

The Most Useful AT and T Call Conference Features

Depending on your objectives and the call conference platform chosen,
the following features you may find very useful.

Text Chat is a communication tool where participants may send text
message to the seminar leader. The text messages are usually fully
viewable by all participants.

It is simply an additional communication method that is very useful
when one-on-one communication is warranted. It will not aggressively
interrupt a AT&T call conference session; such as, voice chatting
during the main presentation.

Private Messaging is very similar to text chat with one minor
difference. The communication is from one participant to another or
the leader. These messages usually are not viewable by all

Although not a necessity, call cams are beginning to become staple
additions to many top-shelf ATT call conference software programs.